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She joined Sklyar Astin, 34, onstage to present the award for Best Performance by an Actress in a Featured Role in a Play to Phylicia Rashad, 73. Marcia completed her outfit with Stuart Weitzman heels. as Company and The Lehman Trilogy win big with five trophies each at the 75th Tony Awards A Strange Loop is named Broadway's best musical giving producer Jennifer Hudson EGOT status.Julianne Hough puts on a glamorous display in a classic black gown as she attends the 75th Tony Awards in NYC.Tony Awards best dressed! Jessica Chastain, Paris Jackson, Cynthia Erivo and Ariana DeBose dazzle in glamorous gowns as they lead the red carpet glamour on Broadway's biggest night in NYC.Marcia Gay Harden apologizes for THAT remark that was thought to be about Judi Dench and says she was 'misinterpreted'.

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